工程建设行业资讯新闻 人工客服公众号


12月20日,蒂森克虏伯电梯为其位于德国罗特魏尔(Rottweil)的全新电梯试验塔举行了亮灯仪式。夜幕下,这座电梯试验塔华丽变身为全球最高的“蜡烛”,绚丽无比。  蒂森克虏伯电梯首席执行官AndreasSchierenbeck表示:“蒂森克虏伯电梯为未来技术发展点亮了灵感之光,我们的城市将在未来技术的推动下变成最宜居的地方。”


http://www.thyssenkrupp-elevator.com/Presse-Informationen.50.0.html?&L=1  关于蒂森克虏伯电梯  蒂森克虏伯集团旗下的电梯技术业务单元联合了集团在全球的乘客运输系统经营活动。依托蒂森克虏伯卓越的工程实力,蒂森克虏伯电梯自业务建立以来,仅用40年时间便跻身世界领先的电梯公司队伍,目前客户遍布150个国家,2014/2015财年全球销售额达72亿欧元。公司拥有50,000多名优秀员工,不断打造创新、节能的产品以满足客户的个性化需求。我们的产品系列包括:乘客及货用电梯、自动扶梯、自动人行步道、旅客登机桥、无障碍电梯及升降平台,并为各类产品量身打造维保解决方案。分布于全球的900个业务点形成了广泛的销售和维保网络,保证我们的服务伴随客户左右。  thyssenkrupp  thyssenkrupp is a diversified industrial group with traditional strengths in materials and a growing share of capital goods and services businesses. Around 155,000 employees in nearly 80 countries work with passion and technological expertise to develop high-quality products and intelligent industrial processes and services for sustainable progress. Their skills and commitment are the basis of our success. In fiscal year 2014/2015 thyssenkrupp generated sales of around €43 billion.

关于蒂森克虏伯集团  蒂森克虏伯集团是一家多元化工业集团。材料业务是蒂森克虏伯集团的传统优势,与此同时,集团的资本产品和服务业务也在快速增长。分布在全球近80个国家和地区的大约15.5万名蒂森克虏伯员工凭借高涨的工作热情和卓越的专业技能,专注于提供高品质的产品、智能的工业流程和服务,以推动全球的可持续发展。员工的工作技能和专业精神是蒂森克虏伯集团取得成功的基石。2014/2015财年蒂森克虏伯集团销售额约为430亿欧元。

  Together with our customers we develop competitive solutions for the challenges of the future in the areas Mechanical, Plant and Materials. With our engineering expertise we enable our customers to gain an edge in the global market and manufacture innovative products in a cost- and resource-friendly way. For us, technical progress and innovations, allied with the combined strength of the Group, are key factors enabling us to meet current and future customer and market requirements around the world, grow on the markets of the future, and generate strong and stable earnings, cash flows and value growth.


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