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2、歌德说“你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就要给社会创造价值。”这句话是说 A.人生既要奉献又要索取 B.



Currently, intermediate business has become the increase point of the bank profit and one of the bank core businesses. To Chinese commercial banks, on the one hand, have to seek breakthrough of its business development, on the other hand, need to confront foreign commercial banks’ overall attacks after we joined WTO, so a new way out is to develop intermediate business. This thesis uses both qualitative and quantitative research approaches, analyze foreign commercial banks and Chinese commercial banks intermediate business status and research the difference between them, to find out the main reasons of restricting our Chinese commercial banks intermediate business development, and then provide detailed corresponding strategies of Chinese commercial banks intermediate business progress. Firstly, to definite and classify Chinese commercial banks intermediate business. According to relative Peoples’ Bank of China regulations and guidelines, Chinese commercial banks intermediate business means those business which not shown in bank balance sheet, but being bank non-interest income business, they have nine sorts including payment settlement, credit and debit card, agent, guarantee, commitment, trading, fund custodian, consulting and others. According to the admittance method, they are distinguished by report applicable intermediate business and approval applicable intermediate business. Secondly, compare the difference on intermediate business development of foreign commercial banks and Chinese commercial banks on the base of analyzing their intermediate business status, then to find out the lag of Chinese commercial banks on that business and furthermore to discover the reasons of restricting our banks intermediate business development. The lags include: deficient procts and narrow business range; low income and small business size; backward service method; weak sales ability and lacking professionals; poor innovation ability. Reasons of restricting our banks intermediate business development have two parts, they are external reasons and internal reasons. External reasons are: under-developed economic development and low consumer income; restriction of separate-business- operation financial system; incomplete laws and regulations; lag behind on social credit system; weak risk control ability of authorities. Internal reasons are: understanding error on intermediary business; backward organization structure; lacking professionals; lag on financial computerization system; weak internal risk control ability. Last, provide detailed corresponding strategies on the base of Chinese commercial banks intermediate business lag and relative reasons. Those strategies have two parts, one part is to build good external environment which includes: search breakthrough under current financial system; complete relative laws and regulations referring to international laws and usual practice; quicken social credit system construction and provide good social environment for intermediate business development; establish powerful supervision to rece intermediate business risk; strengthen banking association function and improve fair competition. Another part is to set up nice internal environment which includes: change wrong understanding on intermediate business and establish correct conception instead; improve organization structure and set up management model suitable for intermediate business development; complete operation working flow and internal control system to avoid illegal operation occurred; strengthen internal risk control ability to ensure healthy intermediate business development; increase investment on science and technology, innovate actively and train professionals; strengthen sales force and let intermediate business widely accepted by people. 根据您的实际情况和需要我们在进行打磨



5、谁能帮我翻译一句话!翻译成英文 “希望凭借我的能力和经验,能够给公司创造更大的价值”

I expect to create greater values for the company with my competencies and experiences. 或:Looking forward to creating greater values for the company with my competencies and experiences.






职业抄价值观的句子如下: 袭 1、当一个人用工作去迎接光明,光明很快就会来照耀着他。  2、工作就是人生的价值,人生的欢乐,也是幸福之所在。3、倦怠乃人生之大患,人们常叹人生暂短,其实人生悠长,只是由于不知它的用途。4、苦海无边,这“苦海”是由错误的人生观和价值观造成的。5、你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。6、求人帮助的时候,求穷人比求富人容易。7、人的一生可能燃烧也可能腐朽,我不能腐朽,我愿意燃烧起来!8、人生不是一种享乐,而是一桩十分沉重的工作。9、人生的价值,并不是用时间,而是用深度量去衡量的。10、人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。


停下休息的时候不要忘记别人还在奔跑。用快乐去奔跑,用心去倾听,用思维去发展,用努力去奋斗,用目标去衡量,用爱去生活。当你还不能对自己说今天学到了什么东西时,你就不要去睡觉。好问的人,只做了五分种的愚人;耻于发问的人,终身为愚人。年轻的朋友,请不要把生活当作风景画来欣赏,也不要把生活当作沙发来坐卧。有识有胆,有胆有识,知识与胆量是互相促进的。大海若没有千尺深度,哪有如山浪头。雨骤,打不湿鸭子的翅膀;狂风,吹不灭萤火的灯光。不生气要争气,不看破要突破,不嫉妒要欣赏,不托延要积极。失去金钱的人损失甚少,失去健康的人损失极多,失去勇气的人损失一切。目标的坚定是性格中最必要的力量泉源之一,也是成功的利器之一。没有它,天才也会在矛盾无定的迷径中,徒劳无功。要冒一次险!整个生命就是一场冒险。走得最远的人,常是愿意去做,并愿意去冒险的人。“稳妥”之船,从未能从岸边走远。“不可能”这个字(法语是一个字),只在愚人的字典中找得到。只要下定决心克服恐惧,便几乎能克服任何恐惧。因为,请记住,除了在脑海中,恐惧无处藏身。——戴尔·卡耐基害怕时,把心思放在必须做的事情上,如果曾经彻底准备,便不会害怕。当你感到悲哀痛苦时,最好是去学些什么东西。学习会使你永远立于不败之地。 对自己不满是任何真正有才能的人的根本特征之一。 机会只对进取有为的人开放,庸人永远无法光顾. 激流勇进者方能领略江河源头的奇观胜景。 即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航行。 驾驭命运的舵是奋斗。不抱有一丝幻想,不放弃一点机会,不停止一日努力。 满意请采纳!



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