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      每年国内瓷砖产品的新产品更新速度快得令人目不暇接,一年内至少要推出4-5个系列新品,突出图案和装饰风格的更新。现如今厂家在推广自己产品的同时,亦开始重视其产品文化理念和空间概念的宣传。继去年轰动一时的欧神诺“天下无砖”概念后,今年各大厂家都陆续有推出自己新空间概念产品,如东鹏卡拉拉石的“专为名宅而生”以及特地陶瓷的“天、地、人、和”等等,虽略觉局限但也反映了一方文化,纵观今年产品空间装饰趋势,仍然以“自然”和“人性化”元素占上风。  {TodayHot}

       Updating of domestic ceramic products is so frequent that we can't get an easy glance. 4-5 series new products are promoted in one year. Manufacturers usually focus on the renewal of patterns and decorating styles. Manufacturers have more and more conscious on promotion of their culture and space conceptions when they raise their new products. In this year almost every big man{HotTag}ufacturer has its new on the market like Dongpeng's Kala Rock which is special designed for luxury houses ″Sky Land Human Peace″ series from Te Di Ceramic Company and so on. Though the products' range is still limited it represents the local culture. Generally speaking common decoration trends still are ″nature″ and ″humanism″ in this year.  


        The return of ″ancients″ and ″country″ the archaized tiles are in rising hot. 


       The tiles' decoration styles in this year makes the ″soil″ and ″tree″ the key words. Its fashionable colors are mid-white mid-yellow crab green light brown mid-brown reddish brown grey brown. No matter the high-price unsmooth rockish tiles or the blossom oozed tiles with marble veins are widely accepted by customers. In the pattern the wood vein copy is hot in this seasonthe vein and touch feeling are closed to real wood and this character helps the cleaning and abrasion-proof. The nature feeling brings people with feeling of comfortable warm and relaxing. The wood vein pattern styles become the main stream of decoration in this year. It also brings influence to sanitary wares and an archaized sanitary cabinet series has got unprecedented appraised.  


       ″Handwork″ decoration pattern becomes the new fashionable favorite 


       China decoration industry has got a DIY fever at present. Handwork pattern is a symbol of fashion. Delicate drawing style and smart doodles become favorites of youngsters and artists they are found on the wall dressing mirrors toilets sink even on bodies and anywhere empty. Of course tiles and sanitary wares won't miss the ″blooming″ season they took off their traditional yellow white grey ″uniform″ and put on fresh blossom ″skirt″ elegant ink drawing ″dress″ graceful and colorful ″grandee toilette″ sexy flowery ″pajama″. The patterns are more abundant than what people imagined.  


      Nature's ″Five Elements″ a magic weapon 


      ″Metal wood water fire soil″ the five general elements of nature has got hot attention inside the industry in this year. ″Metallic colors wood veins water save energy save soil characters″ can describe all trends and fashion contents of ceramics in 2006. They are found everywhere in decoration. The ″In Time″ focus usually starts from the ″Five Elements″. 


      Friendly and gentle ″nature winds″ comfort busy urbanites and ″Handwork″ style attract people by its innovation and achievement. This year ceramic and sanitary wares are no longer ″cold″ they have more humanity with considerable services. They not only satisfy people's physiological needs but also their psychological needs. These products help users' relaxation and comfort and are loved from first sight from people.   

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