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幸福校园有不少形式的论文范文,参考一下吧,希望对你可以有所帮助。商务谈判虽然不同于外交谈判,但也要求参与者有很高的政治业务素质。一是要熟悉政策法规;二是要了解投资环境;三是要清楚项目状况;四是要具备谈判所需的策zd略和艺术。因此,谈判无论规模大小,层次高低,参与者都要严肃认真对待,绝不允许草率从事。因为协约合同是项目内(企业)的生死状,一旦失误就会带来难以挽回的经济损失和不良的政治影响.在招投标谈判中必须坚持几个原则。一切合资合作或独资经营,都是以项目为基??,以谈判、签约为先导的。谈判、签约的水平如何,关系经济利益也关系政治影响,所以,一些起码的原则必须坚持:1. 有备而谈的原则。凡是预立不预则废。招投标谈判也是如此容,事先要做好充分的准备。一是谈判人员的组成,谁主谈,谁配合,谁翻译,谁作顾问,各色人等要齐备,并且事先要有明确的分工和职责;二是方案准备,包括政策法规,投资环境概况,项目的具体情况,合作条件;三是合同、协约文本及相关的资料文件 准备;四是承诺与保证措施。有备无患,才会赢得谈判的主动权,达到预期的效果。




118013697 CBI造价员考试群22010年全国造价员考试报考条件凡遵纪守法,恪守职业道德者,无不良从业记录,年龄在60周岁以下,可按以下条件申请报考:中国建设网提醒:(一)报考初级水平应具备下列条件之一:1、工程造价专业中专及以上学历;2、其他专业中专(或高中)及以上学历,从事工程造价工作满一年。(二)报考中级水平应具备下列条件之一:1、取得初级水平证书,近两年至少有两项工程造价方面的业绩;2、具有工程造价专业或工程经济专业大专及以上学历,从事工程造价工作满两年。(三)申报高级水平应同时具备下列条件:1、具有中级造价员资格四年以上;2、具有中级以上技术职称;3、近两年在工程造价编审、管理、理论研究、著书教学等方面有显著业绩。报考人需携下列资料到管辖市、县造价管理机构报名:(一)报考初级水平:1、《建设工程造价员资格考试报名表》;2、本人学历证书原件及复印件;3、本人身份证原件及复印件;4、本人从事工程造价工作年限证明;5、本人近期免冠一寸照片一张。(二)报考中级水平:1、《建设工程造价员资格考试报名表》;2、造价员资格证原件及复印件(无造价员资格人员提供学历证书原件及复印件);3、本人身份证原件及复印件;4、本人从事工程造价工作年限和近两年两项业绩证明;5、本人近期免冠一寸照片一张。(三)申报高级水平:1、《建设工程造价员资格考试报名表》两份;2、造价员资格证原件及复印件;3、本人技术职称证书原件及复印件;4、本人身份证原件及复印件;5、本人近期免冠一寸照片一张;6、本人近两年从事工程造价编审、管理、理论研究、著书、教学等方面两项业绩材料。业绩材料必须为以下内容之一:(1)总造价3000万元以上建设项目造价编审成果;(2)国家专业部、省工程计价定额编制成果;(3)在省级以上刊物上发表的有关工程造价控制、确定、管理等方面的论文、专著或研究成果。 需要看的书如下:造价员考试需要考试两门课程,分别是:《全国建设工程造价员管理基础知识》、《建设工程计量与计价》所以你需要买上面两本教材安装工程的计量计价不分专业,现在的造价员分为建筑工程和安装工程两个专业,两个专业就是在《建设工程计量与计价》的考试上不同


两面习理论实践要较快掌握造价基础知识两面习:(1)背计价依据(定额)高水平预算高实际经验实际操作程主要定额计算规则记熟事找规律(2)握机完整参与项目习预算并像说十精认真习2-3掌握基本建议初本专业员熟练者指导手算入手选代表性型工程通亲自计算、报价掌握现行关规定、各种计算规则熟练再机操作师傅放手让新手做要关快速提高新手业务水平般要做完整工程项目新手比较细善于总结完全独挡面(1)识图能力必要条件具备点搞预计算根本谈起(2) 扎实语文、数基本功语文用理解计算规则各种规定数用计算各种复杂物体度、面积、突击(3)熟悉精通计价依据(清单计价规范、定额规则)造价部门办各种造价文件(4)施工规范施工工艺越精通算越准、越精所想预结算高手定施工经验帮助(5)掌握精通预结算软件提高效率节省计算间具备五项技能事预结算工作比较轻松我想新手入门进补要做几点:1)症药痛医脚痛医脚造价领域内容广泛宽远造价员工作范围抱愧基本算量、计价包括本测算、纠纷处理、程控制等延伸领域些延伸领域仅仅简单算算量套套价作新手能造价领域所知识都补完算资深造价工程师领域懂东西辈能都补完所建议新手根据本单位工作性质及自岗位先折兑性补比让搞算墚补算量让做本测算补本测算总第步能贪要针性恶补先能手干2)深入工懂问懂懂施工现场预算水平提高要做造价基础工作必须工性认识工作图纸东西与实际应起能工作协调技巧解本与定额关系工懂要虚问哪怕民工新手千万要瞧些泥腿虽文凭没高建筑施工现场解足做师傅另外同事言谈语工作底稿都佳习资料要偷遇图懂东西及实物照加深性理解3)参加培训系统知识、系统认识条件参加造价员培训经性阅读些造价类涂饰带着兴趣自路才走顺些四、看看适合新手资料




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一看就是毕业论文~!!!!Engineering cost management Project cost control emphasis should be transferred to the project construction early days, is transferred to the project decision and design stage. Project cost control in construction projects throughout the entire process, the key lies in the pre construction investment decision-making with design phase, whereas in the investment decision is made, the key lies in designing. According to expert analysis: architectural design, in the preliminary design stage, design stage, construction design stage to the engineering effect were 75% ~ 95%, 35% ~ 75%, 5% ~ 35%; while in the construction phase, through the optimization of construction organization design, construction cost saving the possibility of only 5% to 10%. We should put the focus shifted to the design stage, in order to get twice the result with half the effort. Pay attention to the technical and economic optimization combination. The combination of technology with economy is most effective way to control engineering cost. China engineering fields for a long time did not do this. The lack of technical personnel economy idea, design thought is conservative, the design of the outcome of the economy are not fully reflect. Therefore, we should solve the problem is to improve economic efficiency as the goal, in the construction process, organization, technology and economy organic ground union rises. Through the economic analysis, comparative study and effect evaluation, correct processing of advanced technology and reasonable in economy between the relation of unity of opposites, strive to advanced technology under the conditions of economic rational, reasonable in economy based on advanced technology. Carry out "limitation is designed" method. To be consciously put the application of value engineering to the specific design, actively promote quota design in engineering design contract, by way of bidding. This has been proven in practice is an effective way, it is not only an economic problem, more precisely a technical and economic problems. This "limitation is designed" to effectively control the project cost. In order to make the "limitation is designed" to achieve the desired objectives, should be involved in the design personnel must be experienced skilled economic designer. Their design results must be practical, advanced and reasonable cost. Control of engineering cost on the other hand is the need for comparison, because the outcome is a process of graal improvement, and not to decide, so the comparison is a measure of its practical, advanced and economical means. Do good project cost control in the process. ( 1) compilation of economic and feasible construction scheme. Before construction, construction enterprises should be combined with the construction drawings and the actual situation at the scene, their mechanical equipment, construction experience, the management level and technical specification acceptance criteria, a set of practical and feasible construction scheme. The construction scheme is engineering implementation of the programme of action. ( 2) to technical personnel, materials, machinery and personnel staff communication and coordination. In the process of construction, construction technology, materials and mechanical personnel should cooperate closely, understand each other, to management as the core, to rece costs for the purpose of. ( 3) to the project completion settlement. Strict supervision system. Control project cost effectively, in the early phase of the project shall be subject to supervision (including cost management ) system. Through analyzing the design process of supervision, make the design more reasonable, cost control to limit the scope of, accomplish truly with the smallest investment maximize output. Strict supervision system. Control project cost effectively, in the early phase of the project shall be subject to supervision (including cost management ) system. Through analyzing the design process of supervision, make the design more reasonable, cost control to limit the scope of, accomplish truly with the smallest investment maximize output. To establish and perfect the independent project cost advisory body, cultivate a Zhi De have both engineering team. To establish a real sense of independent engineering cost consulting agencies. Through improving the laws and regulations, normative behavior, separate government functions from enterprise management, the establishment of independent business partnership, share-holding system, the limited responsibility system and other forms of organization, an instry-based, diversified services integrated project consulting company, build and development and reform the engineering cost intermediary service institutions, make construction project management of a graal transition by an independent specialized agency in charge of project cost whole process tracking management, truly between owner and contractor plays an intermediary role. To strengthen engineering cost consulting instry association construction, establish project cost consulting instry self-discipline mechanism, and constantly improve the Engineering Cost Association in engineering cost consulting instry status, to be truly representative of the interests of the majority of the instry practitioners, government and enterprises to become connection link and the bridge. At the same time to strengthen the project cost specialty in higher ecation and in service ecation. As a result of project cost management in construction projects and various economic interests are closely related, and the whole social economic activities play a very important role, it requires the cost engineering technical personnel should have different levels of knowledge, in addition to their professional knowledge and have a deep understanding, also deal with the design content, design process, construction technology, project management, economic laws and regulations have a comprehensive understanding of. Therefore, the project cost management, project cost per unit of society groups, has already obtained a cost engineer qualification personnel, in order to carry out plan, has the goal, multiple levels of continuing ecation and training, to understand and master Chinese bilateral agreements with countries project cost technology, regulations, management system and its development trend, to expand domestic and foreign exchanges, and actively participate in international or regional engineering activities, improve their professional quality, so that the current practitioners in intelligent structure, theory and working experience three aspects can meet the needs of engineering cost management. Cost engineering professionals need to strengthen their own learning, in addition to the professional knowledge to upgrade, should also work in combination with a broad understanding and master the relevant engineering and technical expertise, ecational organizations and instry regulatory bodies constitute a complete ecation system, so as to the field of engineering senior talent development to create good conditions.

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