建设工程企事业单位公司简介 人工客服公众号


浙江台州三普模业地处素有中国模具之乡---黄岩,距黄岩飞机场20公里。海门港17公里。目前在建设中的火车站5公里,交通十分便利。     我公司是一家专业制造汽车塑料件,内饰件的模具企业。并长期为“上海大众”,“上海通用”,“上海延峰”,“上汽集团”,“安徽奇瑞”,“东风尼桑”等国内知名汽车企业提供配套。在此基础上我司将业务拓展到:电子、电器等要求高的塑料模具。     公司在模具开发,制造方面采用CAD、CAM、CAE辅助设计。设备上有多台大小数控加工中心等。为模具制造后台提供强有力的保障。秉着以人为本的发展理念,积极吸收和培养一流专业人才。并为您的选择解决一切后顾之忧!    在竞争日益激烈的今天,我们秉承着合理的价格,完善的售后服务,致力打造国内一流的模具。公司的宗旨:质量、诚信、服务、第一。Automotive door mould Our company is specialized in manufacturing plastic injection moulds for auto parts. We have manufactured moulds for FAW-VOLKSWAGEN, GENERAL MOTOR, VISTEON, SAIC, CHERRY and NISSAN. At present, we have expanded our business into high precision moulds of electronic components and electronic appliances.The company has introduced CAD/CAM/CAE design system, CNC machining center, and has developed a group of experienced workers. By adopting the concept of people oriented, we absorb new members every year.In nowerdays fierce competition, we hold the belief that good coorperation originates from combination of reasonable price, good quality and complete service.Our advantages lies in moulds of front and rear bumper, auto boards, instrument board, fender, mud guards, and interior decoration moulds of auto headrest, atm rests, auto door pull, seat decorations, and so on.We can also provide plastic articles for customers who need our manufacturing service. 主营业务:汽车内饰件模具,汽车外设件模具,注塑模具,橡胶模具,精密模具,黄岩模具 经营模式: 生产型 成立年份:2003年
联系人: 朱瑛瑛 女士 经理
电  话: 86-0576-84031608
传  真: 86-0576-84086708
手  机: 13736213358
邮  编: 318020
地  址: 浙江省台州市黄岩区西工业园区
地  区: 浙江
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