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工程造价员Cost Engineer(CE)工程预算员Construction Budget


工程造copy价百project cost; cost of works; cost of the execution of works建筑度工程知造价道cost of civil engineering works


Construction project construction cost consultation Limited company

4、建筑工程的 造价部,项目管理部 英文怎么说

建筑工程的 造价部Construction cost Department项目管理部[xiàng mù guǎn lǐ bù]词典department of project management ; division of project management双语例句1提出首先应加强多项目管理的意识,成立多项目管理部,建立内部组织冲突的解决方案。The first step is to strengthen project management awareness of the establishment of a number of projects Management Department, the establishment of internal conflict solution. 2中心主要由研究开发部,项目事业管理部和市场经营部等部门组成。The center includes the Research& Development section, the Project Administration section and the Market section, etc.


Go a step further deepen with the fact that our country restructuring the economy, self own's all-round effectuation building construction enterprises changes system , the all-round enterprise general make for marketplace, competes and in the marketplace , this makes enterprise act on self's own more nimbly , will also make it bear bigger risk. Survival and development building construction enterprises's, the mission by being gaining more engineering construction in competition, brings about considerable economic returns and social benefits from this and by initiating and putting into operation to the project. Put fine every project being under construction of construction into practice then, cost throws into in ensuring quality , Hooverize on the premise of safety,create out satisfied economy profit, use whose maximization together, project key being under construction with being that construction finishes accomplishing every, foundation , at the same time being also that construction enterprises exists are also to provide advantageous condition and premise to winning vaster marketplace.The project control of proction cost changing one angle , being under construction in other words, appears important right away increasingly , control of proction cost becomes the project administration core content being under construction. In effect , quality control , rate of progress administration , resource administration , safety administration etc., all than vitally interrelated, in everyone process managing content in every items, cost reaches out intangible hand all all, before the management being restricting , affecting , driving various special field or hindering, proce direct relation moreover with administrative result. In the process of construction how, therefore talking at this point, be ready for the project control of proction cost being under construction and have whose practical or immediate significance under the control of 你可以参考一下..


工程造价员_百度翻译工程造价员 [网络copy] Civil Engineer; 进行更多翻译engineer_百度翻译engineer 英[ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)] 美[ˌendʒɪˈnɪr] n. 工程师,技师; (轮船的) 机师; 〈美〉(火车的)司机,; (陆军的) 工兵; vt. 设计,策划; 安排或处理; 改变百…的基因(或遗传)结构; [例句]They send a service engineer to fix the disk drive.他们派出维修人员来修磁盘驱动器。[其他] 第三人称单数:engineers 复数:engineers 现在分词:engineering过去度式:engineered 过去分词:engineered


工程造价咨询公司翻译成英文是:the consulting company about engineering cost相关短语学习:1、consulting company [词典] 咨询公司,顾问公司;点子公司; [例句]Tim Bajarin is president of Creative Strategies, a high-tech research and consulting company.蒂姆是创新战略,高科技研究和咨询公司的总裁。2、engineering cost 英[ˌendʒiˈniəriŋ kɔst] 美[ˌɛndʒəˈnɪrɪŋ kɔst] [词典] 工程费,工程费用,工程造价; [例句]The paper introces computer application in engineering costmanagement and the prospect.介绍了计算机在工程造价管理中应用的现状及前景。满意请采纳,谢谢!


工程造价Construction costs那么工程造价师是costengineer我的回答望满意

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